Tomb of the Mask 2, is a temple-style, maze-style, arcade game set in a snowy and windy forested area. A player directs a character along reddish-brown and gray stone walls through 21 levels in search of dots and stars. The character can only move in a straight line from one point to another, which means that the player must use changes in the depths of wall surfaces to help direct the character's movements.
The player's goal is to complete all the mazes without the character running into a trap, such as metal spikes along walls, rising waters that flood the tunnels, icicles that emerge suddenly out of the gray stones or ice bats that fly rapidly along the path. Additionally, the player must collect every dot and star in the maze to unlock the door at the end that leads to the next level. To protect the character from a trap death, the player must use logic, visual mapping and different strategies.
Tomb of the Mark 2 provides the player with super speed areas in some mazes that make it possible for the character to run through a deadly area of the maze so fast that the threat can't reach it. The game also rewards them with points at the end of each maze.