Super Oliver World is an arcade platformer similar to the games in the classic Super Mario Bros. franchise. Across 15 levels, the player directs Oliver to collect valuable items, defeat enemies and explore everywhere. They must successfully help Oliver traverse a level to unlock the next one. If they fail, they're sent all the way back to the beginning and must start over.
Oliver is initially teleported to an island with the ocean in the background. Among grass and palm trees, the player directs him to run along the ground and jump upon red brick and rainbow-colored blocks and green pipes. They collect coins by directing Oliver to leap into the air, where the coins hang suspended above everything. In some cases, they direct him to hit his head against the underside of a flashing orange and yellow mystery treasure box labeled with question marks. Many different treasures are available in these areas.
Super Oliver World features land and air enemies. The player directs Oliver to destroy these creatures, which include various deadly animals and plants, by jumping on top of or shooting them. In some cases, as with predator plants that pop up out of some green pipes, Oliver can't kill the enemy. Instead, the player must make him jump over it.