Smurfs Bubble Story, also known as Smurfs Bubble Shooter Story, is a bubble-popping game that features the popular comic and cartoon characters known as The Smurfs. The wicked sorcerer Gargamel and his cat Azrael kidnapped residents of Smurf village and their friends and trapped them in bubbles! The player must burst three or more matching bubbles and perform other tasks to free the characters. They then use their coin and smurfberry winnings to rebuild Smurf Village.
The game provides the player with a launcher bubble shooter consisting of a wooden cup on a spring, two swappable bubble projectiles, and a glowing laser aiming line that features a clear targeting bubble. The player shoots a projectile at two or more color- and icon-matched bubbles to create a breakable cluster.
The player also unlocks and uses power items unique to each character and boosters. In a level, they might need to clear all bubbles from the field or free all trapped characters. On the home screen, they install and decorate homes and other objects.
Smurfs Bubble Story also offers special side tasks that the player unlocks when they reach specific levels. They might, for example, complete side quests for Papa Smurf or collect specific Smurfs. They can explore other locations beyond Town Squire in Smurf Village as well and join special events. They must unlock specific levels before they can enjoy these extras.