Slide Stone is a sliding-tile game in the block-puzzle category similar to Funkee Worms, Haru Panda Slide, Sliding Gems and classic Tetris. On an 8x11 two-tone blue tile background grid, the player slides horizontal rectangular stones to create 8-block rows. When they perform this task correctly, the stones burst apart into shards and then disappear from the screen.
The player can only slide each stone to the left or right across gaps. That said, some of the stones offer a unique grooved area that allows the player to slide one stone across the top of another stone. With each slide, the game adds another row of stones onto the grid at the bottom of the screen.
If the player allows the stones on the grid to slide to the top, they lose. The game helps them plan out their moves to prevent defeat by showing them a preview of the next available stones inside a horizontal frame below the field.
Slide Stone rewards the player with currency they can use to unlock new stone designs. They earn the most money if they perform combination moves, such as removing more than one of the horizontal rows with one move or completing an uninterrupted streak of row removals.
The game also features intermittent booster stones, such as bomb and hammer ones. When the player makes a row with one of these horizontal blocks, they receive access to the booster that helps them remove additional stones faster. They must view an advertising video to use a booster.