Help two balls find love!
Pin Love Balls is a pull-the-pin, puzzle game with a romantic theme. A player must help two anthropomorphic balls, blue and pink, find each other and love inside of 20 rooms with wooden walls that are divided into sections by long, golden, metal pins.
Some rooms only present puzzles in which the player must determine the right pin to pull to bring the balls together. They must pull one or more of the pins to help the blue ball drop or roll from an upper horizontal or lower vertical position so that it can successfully reach the pink ball. The majority of the rooms feature traps, such as metal bear traps and floor spikes. Some of these spaces also contain a red ball enemy who wants to stop and destroy the other balls.
If the player pulls the wrong pin and the blue or pink ball comes into contact with a trap or the red ball, then the blue/pink ball pops like a balloon. That said, they can start the level over without penalty if the ball bursts. Best yet, they can use the red ball to destroy traps. They merely need to pull the right pin so that the red ball falls on top or rolls into a trap.
If the player brings together the blue and pink balls, they both smile. The game then thanks them.