Millionaire trivia quiz is an online game where you can test your knowledge of the world's history, culture, and people. It is a fun way to learn about history, culture, and people. It is an excellent way to pass the time and keep you engaged.
The game is based on which famous person you know was born in a particular country, plays a specific instrument, or has a particular profession. It also tells you how much money that person is worth today. It doesn't matter if the person is alive or dead, as long as they are famous.
To start the game, you will see a list of famous people. You can choose anyone from the list and click on it to see more about them. You can also select a country from the drop-down list and click on it to see other famous people born there. You can choose any one of them and get more information about them by clicking on the "More Info" button. This will take you to another page where you can learn more about that person.
Millionaire quiz is an excellent game for Entertainment because it is fun and exciting. According to recent studies, people who play this game have higher levels of intelligence. If you have good knowledge of history and culture, you can make your quiz by adding questions and answers to the existing one. You can also create your questions and answers in your quiz. It is also a fun way to learn about famous people and their accomplishments where you can also compete with your friends.