Mike and Mia: The Firefighter is a career-based, dress-up game that focuses on the experiences of firefighters. The player's goal is to dress up three adorable toddlers and help them perform firefighting tasks across five levels.
The player can dress the three friends in different hats, shirts, jackets, suspenders, pants and shoes using manual tools or an automatic random feature represented by a die from a pair of dice. The game also gives them access to hidden accessories if they agree to watch an advertisement, including bandages, stars and helmet emblems. They can also update their wagon that represents a firetruck, including the cab, bed, tires and fire axe, hose, ladder or extinguisher. Hidden items include a megaphone siren, flashing light, horn and lightning rod.
Mike and Mia: The Firefighter offers rewards for achievements as well. The player wins for trying all clothes, finishing dress up, trying all tires, decorating the wagon, collecting all items on a map, traveling all of the map, saving all cats, healing a wound, putting out all fire papers and finishing the game.