Epic Bubble Brawl is a three-dimensional bubble-popping game. From a top-down-angled perspective, the player directs a clown avatar to toss ball projectiles at patterns of balls distributed across a wide dirt court. When they clear the court of all balls, they earn points and coins.�
As the clown walks down the court, the player directs it to toss each bubble projectile at two or more connected, color-matched ones to create clusters of three or more balls. The force of a hit pushes the balls into the air. When the balls hit the ground, they pop, and the game rewards points. In some instances, a ball projectile falls short of hitting a target, even if the player uses the side walls for angled shots.
Epic Bubble Brawl offers booster upgrades that include a rainbow ball that replaces any ball; a bomb that causes a powerful explosion that removes balls; a rocket that wipes out everything in its way; and a ball value purse that makes collected balls more powerful. If the player fails to pop all balls before the clown reaches the pattern, the closest balls detach and strike the clown until the game ends. The player receives some coins but must start over.
On the home screen, the player collects daily rewards using the calendar icon. They track crystal and coin rewards in the upper-right corner. They also track their ranking on a leaderboard using a bar chart icon. In the lower-left area, they can access and purchase more boosters via a mallet icon. They use the shop icon to buy crystals, coins and potions.