Build a magical team of Dynamons!
Dynamons 4, a training-and-battle-arena RPG from the popular Dynamons game series, brings the player to the tropical Dynamon training island known as Costa Gueta where they're told that they must train to become a Dynamon Captain. The game quickly walks the player through the basic requirements to achieve captain status.
Starting at the oceanside beach area of the island, the player must challenge trainers and captains and their mythical Dynamon in one-on-one matches with their own team of Dynamon that they need to build from scratch. They can find combat spots and other battle arenas by following a dotted path on an island map that displays potential locations with circles and red map markers that feature exclamation points.
During battles, the player tries to improve their first Dynamon's stats and acquire new Dynamons for the team. They can unlock new skills, swap team members during battles and use items that provide them with focused, powerful attacks. When the player has almost defeated a trained or wild Dynamon near the end of a fight, they can choose to add it to their team. The best trainers and captains pick Dynamon with unique skills and special powers. If they win, they receive unlocked skills and rewards, including coins, level-up shards and items. They can use their coin winnings to buy shards and items in the island's Shop.