Daily Sudoku is a version of newspaper Sudoku deductive-reasoning, logic games. The player is tasked with solving a daily number-placement puzzle on a 9x9 board that features rows and columns distributed across nine 3x3 subgrid boards. They can play the current day's game or games from previous days, months and years.
The player receives an option to choose an Easy, Medium or Hard difficulty level. Their primary goal is to use the numbers 1 through 9 on each row, column and subgrid without duplicating the numbers or patterns. They can't change the locations of pre-filled numbers. Instead, they insert numbers from the bottom of the screen in the blank spots on the board.
Daily Sudoku gives them a certain number of coins to start and rewards additional ones for every correct solution. It also offers 17 awards for achievements, such as finishing a certain number of games, completing a game within a certain number of minutes and playing multiple games in a day.
It provides the player with several tools to help them solve a puzzle faster. They can use an orange verify button to make the game automatically verify numbers and reveal mistakes. When the player uses it, correct answers turn green and incorrect ones turn orange. The game also offers a red backspace button to undo previous moves. That said, the player can simply select the wrong answer and insert the right one without using the button.