Asiatic culinary quest. Players mouse and click their way through recipes for some of the most iconic Chinese food items. Aromatic fried rice, deep crispy fried pork, delicate puffy dumplings and more as players climb from dishwasher to Prince of the Peking Duck. Follow along step-by-step instructions starting from the wholesome ingredients through dicing and frying to serving the first of many courses and don't forget the almond cookie.
Players can do more than just play the game. Following the recipes in their own kitchen, players can upgrade their cooking skills while gaining high scores. Impress friends and be the king of dinner parties with recipes from a hundred years back. All ingredients and preparation steps translate into actual cooking, all it takes is some time and patience to sharpen a chef's knife and boil water. SPend some off time getting the high score and get some ideas for tonight's hotpot with all the flavors of the Silk Road to taste and enjoy.
The next top chef is just a mouse click away.